The Statesman Envisions Our Nations as They Are Intended to Be
Download a PDF of this essayOur Creator paints a wonderful picture of what to us mortals seems like an unattainable achievement. He vividly describes the future of His Kingdom on this earth when He, through Jesus, will reign on the earth. God briefly describes that kingdom:
The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44).
And then He describes Jesus’ role:
The government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. The dominion will be vast, and its prosperity will never end. He will reign on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish and sustain it with justice and righteousness from now on and forever. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will accomplish this (Isaiah 9:6-7).
That reign will be characterized by prosperity, justice and righteousness among other things. And, perfect justice will be fulfilled throughout the earth. Evil deeds will cease to be inflicted by humans upon humans. Sharing and generosity will replace selfishness and hoarding. Wars will no longer exist. The groanings of creation from human mismanagement will be no longer.
Is this so unrealistic and out of reach that it should be dismissed as unworthy of consideration? I am convinced NO. Although we live in a world of humans driven by their selfish motivations, I am convinced a proper understanding of God’s reign in His Kingdom can give us a picture of what could be achieved with the help of our Creator.
I am convinced that reflecting on the Kingdom of God causes the Statesman to gain a picture of the world as our Creator intended it to be and to work toward elements of achieving that during this era.
When William Wilberforce envisioned a world where humans have equal dignity regardless of race or social status, I am convinced it was because he had a picture in his mind of what life would be like when God took over and reigned over His Kingdom – where each person has the dignity of being created in the image of God. I believe this picture is what Martin Luther King had in his mind when he declared “I have a dream.” Rather than being a dream, I believe it was a clear picture of God’s Kingdom and of His intent for His creation. I believe that this picture is what Nelson Mandela had in mind when he dedicated his life to personal sacrifice so that the injustice of apartheid could be put away.
The dream or the picture was never perfectly achieved. Nevertheless, each of these visionaries moved us toward that picture. I am convinced that the Statesman can greatly benefit from studying this picture. The picture certainly represents our Creator’s desire for His creation, consisting of blessings which the fallen nature of mankind seeks to deprive us.
I am convinced that those we consider Statesmen have worked to improve our world based on a picture of the Kingdom of God under God’s reign. Furthermore, I am convinced that the one who would be a Statesman can greatly benefit by studying what the Kingdom of God is like and asking God how elements of that Kingdom can be approached during this age of imperfection. I am convinced that the Statesman does not plan based on what he or she can see but upon what can be envisioned while looking intently at the Kingdom of God. I personally dream of leaders looking at the Kingdom of God and committing to come as close as humanly possible to achieving that today by applying our Creator’s revealed principles.
There are several elements of implementing this: Looking at the Kingdom of God, studying it from God’s Word, envisioning it being implemented in one’s nation, and then taking the steps toward bringing it about. Let us consider the following elements:
Envisioning. Seek to understand the picture God describes of His Kingdom:
Set your mind on the things above, not on the things on earth (Colossians 3:2).
I am sure Wilberforce, King, and Mandela had their detractors who viewed them as unrealistic idealists. Nevertheless, they saw something their detractors were unable to see.
Approaching the seemingly impossible. On one occasion, Jesus, in another context, expressed:
With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).
Surely, relying on the supernatural power of God to change hearts and circumstances can be expected to make a difference. God, speaking through one of His servants, reinforced this:
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).
Open the communication channel with the One who will reign in implementing His Kingdom. And it is important to understand that our Creator uses imperfect instruments – humans who have a sinful nature but who can have those sins forgiven through our availing ourselves of the forgiveness based upon our repentance and Jesus’ sacrificial work on our behalf on the Cross and His resurrection. The result is that we can benefit from unhindered communication between our Creator and us, including His guidance, and then His power exerted on our behalf.
Operating under our Creator’s guidance. We can only achieve our Creator’s goals when we seek to be His instruments – His hands and His feet in serving humanity. He promises:
I will hold onto you with My righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10).
This requires the attitude toward our Creator on our part:
I am a stranger on the earth; do not hide Your commands from me (Psalm 119:19).
Let us caution ourselves that any efforts during the current era must take into account that man’s fallen, sinful nature will hinder our efforts. Nevertheless, I am convinced that the more clearly we can see the Kingdom of God, the closer we can come to establishing the world that our Creator intended, with well-being for our people. And in the process, we can display the leadership of a Statesman.
What are the major issues I am facing in building a healthy nation and how will God deal with these same issues during His reign?
Considering the fallen nature of man that I confront, how much of what I know God will do may I be able to apply?