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Developing the Heart of a Statesman

Developing the Heart of a Statesman

Developing the Heart of a Statesman For any noble character trait, we often use the expression: “… are made, not born”. This implies that natural ability is not enough but that we need help in improving ourselves. Nowhere is this truer than in the making of the Statesman. Truly, The Statesman is made, not born. […]

Who Holds the Hand of the Statesman?

Who Holds the Hand of the Statesman?

Who Holds the Hand of the Statesman? The Statesman stands out in his vision. As analysts have pointed out: The great difference between the real statesman and the pretender is that the one sees into the future, while the other regards only the present; the one lives by the day, and acts on expediency; the […]

The Second Great Commandment Applied to...

The Second Great Commandment Applied to the Statesman

The Second Great Commandment Applied to the Statesman The question continues to be The Second Great Commandment to us as humans is:  You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39). The command “Love your neighbor” is generally quoted out of context. While it is true that we are commanded to love our neighbor, this […]

Does Faith in God Contribute to Making ...

Does Faith in God Contribute to Making a Statesman?

Does Faith in God Contribute to Making a Statesman? The question continues to be asked among philosophers, historians and politicians alike: What is it that makes one a Statesman? Let us continue to look at this issue. King David, perhaps more than any other leader, strives to be the kind of leader God desires, and […]

The Statesman Recognizes Our Creator’s

The Statesman Recognizes Our Creator’s Instruction Manual

The Statesman Recognizes Our Creator’s Instruction Manual The first thing each of us does when we receive a new piece of equipment is to study the instruction manual. The reason we do this is to learn from the designer how that equipment was intended to function and how we can best achieve the results intended […]

The Statesman Displaying Mercy

The Statesman Displaying Mercy

The Statesman Displaying Mercy One of the most powerful concepts in the life of the statesman is mercy. This begins with receiving mercy. Understanding mercy entails understanding that we have forgiveness available to us that we do not automatically deserve. The most important mercy we will ever receive is from the God of the Universe […]

The Statesman Benefits from the Undeser...

The Statesman Benefits from the Undeserved Goodness of God

The Statesman Benefits from the Undeserved Goodness of God As we learn to work with God, who is our Supreme Master, the One who rules over our nations, it is essential that we fully understand Him. One essential element is understanding His general goodness to mankind not based upon our particular goodness or our obedience […]

The Statesman Wrestles with God

The Statesman Wrestles with God

The Statesman Wrestles with God At the heart of our desire to be Statesmen, rather than simply politicians, is understanding our Creator’s desired role in our lives and decisions. At stake is our ability to move from a view of the likelihood of God’s existence to complete confidence in Him and the sense that He […]