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Does Faith in God Contribute to Making ...

Does Faith in God Contribute to Making a Statesman?

Does Faith in God Contribute to Making a Statesman? The question continues to be asked among philosophers, historians and politicians alike: What is it that makes one a Statesman? Let us continue to look at this issue. King David, perhaps more than any other leader, strives to be the kind of leader God desires, and […]

The Statesman Recognizes Our Creator’s

The Statesman Recognizes Our Creator’s Instruction Manual

The Statesman Recognizes Our Creator’s Instruction Manual The first thing each of us does when we receive a new piece of equipment is to study the instruction manual. The reason we do this is to learn from the designer how that equipment was intended to function and how we can best achieve the results intended […]

The Statesman Displaying Mercy

The Statesman Displaying Mercy

The Statesman Displaying Mercy One of the most powerful concepts in the life of the statesman is mercy. This begins with receiving mercy. Understanding mercy entails understanding that we have forgiveness available to us that we do not automatically deserve. The most important mercy we will ever receive is from the God of the Universe […]

The Statesman Benefits from the Undeser...

The Statesman Benefits from the Undeserved Goodness of God

The Statesman Benefits from the Undeserved Goodness of God As we learn to work with God, who is our Supreme Master, the One who rules over our nations, it is essential that we fully understand Him. One essential element is understanding His general goodness to mankind not based upon our particular goodness or our obedience […]

The Statesman Wrestles with God

The Statesman Wrestles with God

The Statesman Wrestles with God At the heart of our desire to be Statesmen, rather than simply politicians, is understanding our Creator’s desired role in our lives and decisions. At stake is our ability to move from a view of the likelihood of God’s existence to complete confidence in Him and the sense that He […]

The Statesman Serving Under the Ultimat...

The Statesman Serving Under the Ultimate King

The Statesman Serving Under the Ultimate King There is the repeated declaration throughout God’s instruction book that He is the ultimate King over our nations and our world. For example: For the Lord Most High is to be feared [and worshipped with awe-inspiring reverence and obedience]; He is a great King over all the earth […]

The View of God Upon Which to Build Sta...

The View of God Upon Which to Build Statesmanship

The View of God Upon Which to Build Statesmanship I believe everyone is familiar with the encounter that David had with Goliath. David was a teenager. Goliath was a 9’9” tall, seasoned, powerful warrior. Everyone knows that David fearlessly felled this giant with a pebble employing a slingshot, perhaps the crudest of all instruments. However, […]

The Statesman Is Able to Envision Our N...

The Statesman Is Able to Envision Our Nations as They Are Intended to Be

The Statesman Is Able to Envision Our Nations as They Are Intended to Be/h3> Our Creator paints a wonderful picture of what to us mortals seems like an unattainable picture. He vividly describes the future of His Kingdom on this earth when He, through Jesus, will reign on the earth. That reign will be characterized […]

The Statesman Looks at ‘Separation of C

The Statesman Looks at ‘Separation of Church and State’

The Statesman Looks at ‘Separation of Church and State’ We have recently been looking at the roles of Government, Religious Institution and Family in bringing God’s promised blessings to a nation. Before we move on, let us consider the concept known as “separation of Church and State”. King Jehoshaphat, of Judah, reigned 873-949 B.C. His […]

The Statesman Learns to Cry Out to God

The Statesman Learns to Cry Out to God

The Statesman Learns to Cry Out to God The Statesman is first and foremost a leader drawn out of the community to serve the people in achieving the well-being our Creator designed for the people. The Statesman, remembering who he or she is, then identifies with those he or she is called to serve. Hence, […]