Books for Reflection

Leadership For Nation Building

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John Adams, one of the founders of the American democratic experiment, said:

Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts contained! Every member would be obliged in conscience to temperance, frugality and industry; to justice, kindness and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love and reverence towards Almighty God”

This book examines the truth and argues for its application in the governing process.

Challenge to Govern as a Statesman

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How do you want to be remembered as a leader? As a Politician or a Statesman? Exploring the difference between a politician and a statesman, this book helps identify what people are looking for in a leader, and then, considers with those governing how to be such leaders, and as leaders to facilitate cooperation between governed and the governors. James Freeman Clarke said:

“A politician thinks of the next election, a statesman of the next generation. A politician looks for the success of his party; a statesman for that of his country. The statesman wishes to steer, while the politician is satisfied to drift.

James Freeman Clarke, “Wanted, a Statesman!”, Edward Everett Hale, editor, Old and New Magazine, Vol. 2, Dec. 1870, p. 644.

Decision-Making in Government

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This book, recognizing the discretionary power of the decision maker and the challenges they face; in lack of training and understanding of governance, its purposes and goals.

Dr. Allen provides a foundation for understanding and making decisions in government, and then applies these principles in several practical areas. Two filters for making decisions are developed, summarized and applied to practical issues.

(Please NOTE: If a Head of Government should decide to lead his/her Cabinet in working through this material, we would be happy to provide printed copies of this workbook without charge.)

Построение демократическ общества

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Это собрание выступлений высказывал во время неофициальных собраний дипломатов, постоянно работающих при ООН, и посещавших эту организацию членов правительств входящих в её состав государств. Мною двигало убеждение в том, что существует Бог, который с любовью создал каждого отдельного человека по Своему собственному проекту.

Liderazgo Para Forjar Naciones

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¿Cómo quiere ser recordado como líder? ¿Como político o estadista? Al explorar la diferencia entre un político y un estadista, este libro ayuda a identificar lo que la gente busca en un líder, luego, con aquellos en el gobierno, cómo ser tales líderes y como líderes para facilitar la cooperación entre los gobernados y los gobernantes.

Ndertimi I Shqipersise Demokratike

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Si doni të mbaheni mend si udhëheqës? Si politikan apo burrë shteti? Duke eksploruar ndryshimin midis një politikani dhe një burri shteti, ky libër ndihmon në identifikimin e asaj që njerëzit kërkojnë tek një udhëheqës, pastaj, me ata në qeveri, si të jenë udhëheqës të tillë dhe si udhëheqës për të lehtësuar bashkëpunimin midis të qeverisurve dhe guvernatorëve.