L’homme d’État envisage nos nations telles qu’elles sont censées être Notre Créateur nous présente un tableau merveilleux de ce qui, pour nous, mortels, semble être un accomplissement inaccessible. Il décrit de manière vivante l’avenir de son Royaume sur cette terre, lorsqu’Il régnera sur la terre par l’intermédiaire de Jésus. Dieu décrit brièvement ce royaume : […]
The Statesman Envisions Our Nations as ...
The Statesman Envisions Our Nations as They Are Intended to Be Our Creator paints a wonderful picture of what to us mortals seems like an unattainable achievement. He vividly describes the future of His Kingdom on this earth when He, through Jesus, will reign on the earth. God briefly describes that kingdom: The God of […]
Who Holds the Hand of the Statesman?
Who Holds the Hand of the Statesman? The Statesman stands out in his vision. As analysts have pointed out: The great difference between the real statesman and the pretender is that the one sees into the future, while the other regards only the present; the one lives by the day, and acts on expediency; the […]
The View of God Upon Which to Build Sta...
The View of God Upon Which to Build Statesmanship I believe everyone is familiar with the encounter that David had with Goliath. David was a teenager. Goliath was a 9’9” tall, seasoned, powerful warrior. Everyone knows that David fearlessly felled this giant with a pebble employing a slingshot, perhaps the crudest of all instruments. However, […]
The Statesman Is Able to Envision Our N...
The Statesman Is Able to Envision Our Nations as They Are Intended to Be/h3> Our Creator paints a wonderful picture of what to us mortals seems like an unattainable picture. He vividly describes the future of His Kingdom on this earth when He, through Jesus, will reign on the earth. That reign will be characterized […]
The statesman creates statesmanlike beh...
The Statesman Creates Statesmanlike Behaviors in Those around Them, Including Inducing Members of the Opposition to Participate in the Vision The Statesman faces a dilemma while operating within democratic governance. The Statesman cannot single-handedly enact legislation to support his/her vision without the help of those who are largely Politicians. Hence, one of the […]
Statesmen Drawing the Politicians into ...
Statesmen Drawing the Politicians into the Vision We have already defined a Statesman as a leader who is unique in terms of vision and character, as for example, expressed by Edmund Burke: The great difference between the real statesman and the pretender is that the one sees into the future, while the other regards […]
The Statesman operates on high moral pr...
The Statesman Operates on High Moral Principles Edmund Burke, the respected British political figure in the late eighteenth century, had provided the following insight into the character of the Statesman: The great difference between the real statesman and the pretender is that the one sees into the future, while the other regards only the […]
The Statesman is willing to take risks ...
The Statesman is Willing to Take Risks (Political Risks) in Order to do the Right Thing and Achieve Their Vision When the Statesman gains an understanding that our Creator has a plan that is knowable by His creation and that we may participate in, it provides a confidence that gives the strength to act […]
The statesman has a vision for making o...
The Statesman Has a Vision for Making Our Nations Better Than We Found Them A former President of Columbia University commented: Our world is made up of three kinds of people: the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, and the great majority who have no idea what is happening. […]