The Power Needed by the Statesman The challenge that the Statesman always faces is a vision far greater than the resources available to achieve that vision. Hence, the Statesman always needs additional help. In this regard, we learn invaluable insights from the inspired prayer of God’s servant Paul expressed to a special group of believers: […]
The View Statesmen Hold of Government a...
The View Statesmen Hold of Government and Their Responsibilities The reality is that the Statesman operates on a foundation that goes against our human instincts. Hence, it is worth examining that foundation carefully. The starting point is there is a Designer who created the universe with a purpose. He declared: I am the Lord, Maker of […]
The Statesman Overcoming Our Selfish Na...
The Statesman Overcoming Our Selfish Nature William Wilberforce is one of the few that everyone views as a Statesman for his vision and the sacrifices he made to achieve it. He wrote from his vantage point: The majority of Christians overlook, deny or, at the very least, minimize the problems of what it means to […]
The Statesman Is Not Limited by His Own...
The Statesman Is Not Limited by His Own Ability The complexities of administering nations in this interdependent world, where actions in other parts of the world limit our options, makes us wonder whether administering nations is outside the ability of the unaided human being. Then, the thought arises as to whether the Designer of government […]
The Statesman Envisions Our Nations as ...
The Statesman Envisions Our Nations as They Are Intended to Be Our Creator paints a wonderful picture of what to us mortals seems like an unattainable achievement. He vividly describes the future of His Kingdom on this earth when He, through Jesus, will reign on the earth. God briefly describes that kingdom: The God of […]
A Statesman’s Insights for Becoming a S
A Statesman’s Insights for Becoming a Statesman In the history of imperfect humans as leaders, one stands out: King David of ancient Israel, who governed for 40 years. Our Creator described him: I have found David My servant; I have anointed him …. I will also make him … greatest of the kings of the […]
The Statesman Living a Life with the Ma...
The Statesman Living a Life with the Maximum Significance The Statesman, I am convinced, wishes to invest his or her life in the most significant way to improve quality of life for fellow humans. For decades, I have been privileged to walk alongside Statesmen. I have been greatly influenced by listening to their hearts. As […]
The Statesman Committed to Building Oth...
The Statesman Committed to Building Others Up A useful way to look at the life of the Statesman is through the perspective of relationships. There are several critical ones in the Statesman’s life. First, there are the people served. Whatever the Statesman’s position, there is a population affected by each one’s decisions. Since the ultimate […]
The Long Term Planning of the Statesman
The Long Term Planning of the Statesman We all recognize that a major part of the genius of the Statesman is the ability to see into the future and to effectively plan for it – to make decisions that impact much longer than the term in office. As expressed by Edmund Burke in the eighteenth […]
The Vacuum as It Relates to the Statesm...
The Vacuum as It Relates to the Statesman The seventeenth century French philosopher Blaise Pascal described a vacuum in the heart of each human. I am convinced this vacuum has profound implications for the Statesman. Specifically, I would like to discuss with you the implications in the life of the Statesman of leaving this vacuum […]