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The Statesman Listening to the Hearts o...

The Statesman Listening to the Hearts of the People

The Statesman Listening to the Hearts of the People We often use the adjective “people-centered” to describe modern democracy. However, there is an element of irony here. The demands upon decision-makers in Government are so great that one has to operate by priorities. By the time the primary priorities are met, there is little time […]

The Statesman Developing the Most Impor...

The Statesman Developing the Most Important National Resource

The Statesman Developing the Most Important National Resource Within our world, there is a clamoring for national wealth, potentially advancing power and prestige for those in leadership. Typically, economic growth becomes the measuring stick for effectiveness of an administration. This leads to natural resource utilization being a high priority. An effective economy is certainly important. […]

The Citizenship That Can Support the St...

The Citizenship That Can Support the Statesman

The Citizenship That Can Support the Statesman Citizenship a is powerful incentive in the life of the Statesman. The reality is that there is a citizenship that is even more significant than that of one’s birthplace in making one a Statesman. In God’s Instruction to His creation is a fascinating chapter often referred to as […]

Who Holds the Hand of the Statesman?

Who Holds the Hand of the Statesman?

Who Holds the Hand of the Statesman? The Statesman stands out in his vision. As analysts have pointed out: The great difference between the real statesman and the pretender is that the one sees into the future, while the other regards only the present; the one lives by the day, and acts on expediency; the […]

The Statesman Realistically Confronts t...

The Statesman Realistically Confronts the Issue of Corruption

The Statesman Realistically Confronts the Issue of Corruption Commonly, an incoming Government greets the population with the assurance “One of our highest priorities is to eliminate corruption.” Paradoxically, that same assurance was made by the previous administration, and the one before that. Why then does this problem exist? If there is one issue expressed by […]