Reflections on Statesmanship
A series of essays
- The Citizenship of the Statesman February 22, 2021The Citizenship of the Statesman Returning to the foundational truth: God is King of all the earth. God reigns over the nations; God is seated on His holy throne (Psalms 47:7-8). There is a special benefit for the Statesman that results from faith in the One who designed the system in which they serve. Therefore, it is beneficial ...
- The Statesman Embraces the Partnership with Civil Society February 1, 2021The Statesman Embraces the Partnership with Civil Society The person who first introduced me to the challenge of development 45 years ago was at the time a student from Bhutan. He described how the King would travel to a village to meet with the elders to discuss what projects where needed. Then, the King would provide ...
- The Statesman Considers Our Creator’s Hand upon the Nation January 11, 2021The Statesman Considers Our Creator’s Hand upon the Nation God made an astounding promise to Abraham, the father of ancient Israel: all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you (Genesis 12:3). This promise is repeated numerous times. Let us seek to understand what it was that made this promise applicable to other nations: Abraham is to become a great ...
- The Role of the Statesman in the Midst of National Crisis December 14, 2020The Role of the Statesman in the Midst of National Crisis The Statesman must help the people answer the question “Where is God in the Midst of National Uncertainty or Crisis?” Not only must the Statesman be able to answer this question for the people, but the Statesman must be able to answer this for his ...
- The Statesman Learns from the Good Shepherd November 23, 2020The Statesman Learns from the Good Shepherd Our Creator’s purpose for Government is to provide an environment where each individual can reach his/her full God-given potential. God describes it as “a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity” (1 Timothy 2:2). Great power has been vested in Government to do for the governed what ...
- The Role of Justice in the Making of a Statesman November 2, 2020The Role of Justice in the Making of a Statesman Early in our exploration of statesmanship, I proposed four leaders I consider to have been Statesmen during the past two and a half centuries: William Wilberforce, Abraham Lincoln, George Catlett Marshall, Nelson Mandela. Recently, we reflected on the importance of justice to the Statesman. As I have ...
- The Statesman Is Committed to Justice October 12, 2020The Statesman Is Committed to Justice I would like to pause with you and reflect on the issue of justice. The history of mankind consists of the powerful taking advantage of the weaker. I submit to you that there is no more helpless feeling than that there is no where one can go to receive fair ...
- Is Calling the People Back to God Appropriate for a Statesman? September 21, 2020Is Calling the People Back to God Appropriate for a Statesman? I would like to present for your consideration a challenge that the Late-Prime Minister Dame Eugenia Charles of Dominica gave to her political party during the celebration of the party’s twenty-fifth anniversary. I consider it one of the most courageous and honest acts by a ...
- The Power of the Statesman Kneeling Before God August 31, 2020The Power of the Statesman Kneeling Before God God tells us in His instruction book: “As I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow to Me, and every tongue will give praise to God. (Romans 14:11)” How does this relate to the Statesman? And what responsibility does this have for the Statesman to model this before our ...
- Regression from Statesman to Politician August 10, 2020Regression From Statesman to a Politician We know very well that it is not sufficient just to begin well. If I were to ask who was the outstanding leader of all time, using external criteria of wealth, wisdom, grandeur, as well as avowed desire to obey God and to be His instrument, instinctively we would answer ...