The Statesman and Advisors It is fascinating to consider mankind’s journey in gaining knowledge of God and His intended role in the affairs of His creation. I believe an important element of that truth is revealed to us in the ninth century B.C. and continues to be relevant today: Throughout the time Jehoiada the priest instructed him, […]
The Statesman Wrestles with God
The Statesman Wrestles with God At the heart of our desire to be Statesmen, rather than simply politicians, is understanding our Creator’s desired role in our lives and decisions. At stake is our ability to move from a view of the likelihood of God’s existence to complete confidence in Him and the sense that He […]
The Statesman Serving Under the Ultimat...
The Statesman Serving Under the Ultimate King There is the repeated declaration throughout God’s instruction book that He is the ultimate King over our nations and our world. For example: For the Lord Most High is to be feared [and worshipped with awe-inspiring reverence and obedience]; He is a great King over all the earth […]
The View of God Upon Which to Build Sta...
The View of God Upon Which to Build Statesmanship I believe everyone is familiar with the encounter that David had with Goliath. David was a teenager. Goliath was a 9’9” tall, seasoned, powerful warrior. Everyone knows that David fearlessly felled this giant with a pebble employing a slingshot, perhaps the crudest of all instruments. However, […]
The Role of the Religious Institution i...
The Role of the Religious Institution in National Obedience to Our Creator and Implications for the Statesman We are addressing the issue “How could a nation experience God’s blessings promised to the nation that is obedient to Him?” God has promised: Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people (Proverbs 14:34). […]
The Role of the Statesman in the Midst ...
The Role of the Statesman in the Midst of National Crisis The Statesman must help the people answer the question “Where is God in the Midst of National Uncertainty or Crisis?” Not only must the Statesman be able to answer this question for the people, but the Statesman must be able to answer this for […]
Regression from Statesman to Politician
Regression From Statesman to a Politician We know very well that it is not sufficient just to begin well. If I were to ask who was the outstanding leader of all time, using external criteria of wealth, wisdom, grandeur, as well as avowed desire to obey God and to be His instrument, instinctively we […]
The Statesman Is Prepared to Hear God’s
The Statesman Is Prepared to Hear God’s Voice We have made the argument that the best way to ensure that we can operate as a Statesman is to allow ourselves to be an instrument in the hand of Almighty God. An essential part of being His instrument involves the capacity to receive His instructions. […]
The Statesman as Shepherd During a Time...
The Statesman as a Shepherd During a Time of Crisis It is useful to pause and reflect on our responsibilities. The Creator of this whole system, within which we operate, has commanded leaders to shepherd those within their care: Shepherd God’s flock among you, not overseeing out of compulsion but freely, according to God’s […]
The statesman creates statesmanlike beh...
The Statesman Creates Statesmanlike Behaviors in Those around Them, Including Inducing Members of the Opposition to Participate in the Vision The Statesman faces a dilemma while operating within democratic governance. The Statesman cannot single-handedly enact legislation to support his/her vision without the help of those who are largely Politicians. Hence, one of the […]