The Statesman Serving Under the Ultimate King There is the repeated declaration throughout God’s instruction book that He is the ultimate King over our nations and our world. For example: For the Lord Most High is to be feared [and worshipped with awe-inspiring reverence and obedience]; He is a great King over all the earth […]
The View of God Upon Which to Build Sta...
The View of God Upon Which to Build Statesmanship I believe everyone is familiar with the encounter that David had with Goliath. David was a teenager. Goliath was a 9’9” tall, seasoned, powerful warrior. Everyone knows that David fearlessly felled this giant with a pebble employing a slingshot, perhaps the crudest of all instruments. However, […]
The Citizenship of the Statesman
The Citizenship of the Statesman Returning to the foundational truth: God is King of all the earth. God reigns over the nations; God is seated on His holy throne (Psalms 47:7-8). There is a special benefit for the Statesman that results from faith in the One who designed the system in which they serve. Therefore, […]
What the Statesman Can Learn from King ...
What the Statesman Can Learn from King David’s Insights on Governing King David provides us with invaluable perspective when it comes to governing a nation within God’s current-day system. Who is David? Is he King? Or is he the man who loved God as much as any man who ever walked on this earth? […]