The Statesman’s Resource of a Personal Guide It was King David who began Psalm 23 with words that should inspire every Statesman: The Lord is my shepherd (Psalm 23:1). He, as a ruler, was continually challenged with threats beyond his capacity. Here, he presents the image of himself as a vulnerable sheep dependent upon a protective shepherd […]
The Statesman and National Obedience to...
The Statesman and National Obedience to Our Creator The foundational truth is that there is one God who created the universe, every person within it, and every nation, that He is moral and He intends to bestow His love on humanity. Since God revealed Himself to mankind, we as a human race have been asking […]
The Statesman Considers Our Creator’s H
The Statesman Considers Our Creator’s Hand upon the Nation God made an astounding promise to Abraham, the father of ancient Israel: all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you (Genesis 12:3). This promise is repeated numerous times. Let us seek to understand what it was that made this promise applicable to other nations: Abraham […]