Initiating contact with an Official

Step One:

Initiating contact in person:
The ideal is to do this in person wherever possible, for example over coffee. If you do it that way you can print out and hand them in your meeting.

“Remembered as a Leader” Word Docx  “Remembered as a Leader” PDF

To start the conversation via Email or Mail:

You can do this via email or snail mail if you do not have a personal email for them. The least effective way is through an email to the official’s office. However, in many cases, this is where is we must begin.

First: Adapt and personalize this generic message.  Intro text for email or letter 

Include in your email or letter this article.  “How Do You Wish to Be Remembered as a Leader”

Step Two:

Follow news on the person, pray for that individual regularly. Try to understand that individual as best you can so that you can address needs you may perceive.

Step Three:

At regular intervals, go to, pray over whether one of the essays in the Reflection section may be appropriate to send, download, insert together with cover comments into an email, personalize as much as possible, and send.

Step Four:

At an appropriate interval, as led, repeat.

Note: With a little more effort, one can do a higher quality job by letter, employing stationary, linen envelopes, looking a little more dignified. I tend to go with the simplest approach that works. Email is very personal when they engage you. Even better if you can also do all of this in person.

Reflections on Statesmanship

A series of essays

  • The Statesman as Instrument in the Hand of God June 8, 2020
    The Statesman as Instrument in the Hand of God   The challenges we face are daunting. On the surface, the obstacles are insurmountable. A similar challenge was faced in my nation a century and a half ago. We, in the U.S., had a Civil War that split the nation into irreconcilable factions, seemingly ending this as a ...
  • The Statesman as Shepherd During a Time of Crisis May 18, 2020
    The Statesman as a Shepherd During a Time of Crisis   It is useful to pause and reflect on our responsibilities. The Creator of this whole system, within which we operate, has commanded leaders to shepherd those within their care: Shepherd God’s flock among you, not overseeing out of compulsion but freely, according to God’s will; not for ...
  • The statesman creates statesmanlike behaviour in those around him/her, including inducing members of the opposition, to participate in the vision April 27, 2020
    The Statesman Creates Statesmanlike Behaviors in Those around Them, Including Inducing Members of the Opposition to Participate in the Vision     The Statesman faces a dilemma while operating within democratic governance. The Statesman cannot single-handedly enact legislation to support his/her vision without the help of those who are largely Politicians. Hence, one of the greatest challenges the ...
  • The Statesman Recognizes the Partnership Between Religion and Government April 6, 2020
    The Statesman Recognizes the Partnership Between Religion and Government     In the battle against the coronavirus, misunderstandings have arisen over the Church and the State. Many Governments have banned gatherings of people, including worship services. A handful of religious leaders have argued that ‘separation of Church and State’ allows the Church to operate without control from the ...
  • Response of the Statesman to Challenges Beyond His or Her Ability March 16, 2020
    Response of the Statesman to Challenges Beyond Their Ability   There isn’t a leader who has the ability, by themselves, to cope with the challenges that our nations face. Many, when they look at the challenge of the coronavirus, see such a challenge. Let us begin with the example of Abraham Lincoln. Between the time he was elected ...
  • Do We Need God to Be a Statesman? February 21, 2020
    Do We Need God to Be a Statesman?   Can we be a Statesman without depending upon God? I believe that potentially we can. However, I believe that it is absolutely necessary for us to have the values, character qualities that we as humans can best receive by depending upon God for these qualities. How do we move ...
  • The Statesman Recognizes the Need to Operate in Accord with the Instructions of the Creator-Designer – Part 2 January 31, 2020
    The Statesman Recognizes the Need to Operate in Accord with the Instructions of the Creator-Designer – Part 2   We recently made the argument that our Lord has designed and set up His creation in such a way that those who operate within His creation need His instruction in order to be able to do so effectively. ...
  • Could Statesmanlike Behaviour Cause One to Be Viewed as Weak? January 10, 2020
    Could Statesmanlike Behavior Cause One to Be Viewed as Weak?   One Prime Minister, who had recently placed his faith in God, shared that if he told his people of his new-found faith in Jesus Christ and dependence upon God, he would be considered weak. His perception is that the elected leader must be viewed by the ...
  • The Statesman’s Appreciation of Christmas December 13, 2019
    The Statesman’s Appreciation of Christmas   Much of the world will soon celebrate Christmas. However, that same world has largely lost sight of the significance. It is not about enjoyment. Family is really secondary. It is about the significance of what Jesus brought to us from God Himself ‒ what He makes available to our lives. Jesus said: I ...
  • The Statesman Recognizes the Need to Operate in Accord with the Creator’s Instructions November 22, 2019
    The Statesman Recognizes the Need to Operate in Accord with the Creator’s Instructions   We each step into a complex world ‒ because of your responsibilities, especially you! The truth is that the creation was set up with the need for the Creator’s instruction and guidance in order to be able to operate optimally within His creation. ...



Leadership For Nation Building

Read Description
John Adams, one of the founders of the American democratic experiment, said:

Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts contained! Every member would be obliged in conscience to temperance, frugality and industry; to justice, kindness and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love and reverence towards Almighty God”

This book examines the truth and argues for its application in the governing process.

Challenge to Govern as a Statesman

Read Description
How do you want to be remembered as a leader? As a Politician or a Statesman? Exploring the difference between a politician and a statesman, this book helps identify what people are looking for in a leader, and then, considers with those governing how to be such leaders, and as leaders to facilitate cooperation between governed and the governors. James Freeman Clarke said:

“A politician thinks of the next election, a statesman of the next generation. A politician looks for the success of his party; a statesman for that of his country. The statesman wishes to steer, while the politician is satisfied to drift.

James Freeman Clarke, “Wanted, a Statesman!”, Edward Everett Hale, editor, Old and New Magazine, Vol. 2, Dec. 1870, p. 644.

Decision-Making in Government

Read Description
This book, recognizing the discretionary power of the decision maker and the challenges they face; in lack of training and understanding of governance, its purposes and goals.

Dr. Allen provides a foundation for understanding and making decisions in government, and then applies these principles in several practical areas. Two filters for making decisions are developed, summarized and applied to practical issues.

(Please NOTE: If a Head of Government should decide to lead his/her Cabinet in working through this material, we would be happy to provide printed copies of this workbook without charge.)

Построение демократическ общества

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Это собрание выступлений высказывал во время неофициальных собраний дипломатов, постоянно работающих при ООН, и посещавших эту организацию членов правительств входящих в её состав государств. Мною двигало убеждение в том, что существует Бог, который с любовью создал каждого отдельного человека по Своему собственному проекту.

Liderazgo Para Forjar Naciones

Leer la descripción
¿Cómo quiere ser recordado como líder? ¿Como político o estadista? Al explorar la diferencia entre un político y un estadista, este libro ayuda a identificar lo que la gente busca en un líder, luego, con aquellos en el gobierno, cómo ser tales líderes y como líderes para facilitar la cooperación entre los gobernados y los gobernantes.

Ndertimi I Shqipersise Demokratike

Lexoni përshkrimin
Si doni të mbaheni mend si udhëheqës? Si politikan apo burrë shteti? Duke eksploruar ndryshimin midis një politikani dhe një burri shteti, ky libër ndihmon në identifikimin e asaj që njerëzit kërkojnë tek një udhëheqës, pastaj, me ata në qeveri, si të jenë udhëheqës të tillë dhe si udhëheqës për të lehtësuar bashkëpunimin midis të qeverisurve dhe guvernatorëve.

